2019 Call for 2nd Essay Prize

Theme : the media after the 1978 Constitution


Cataluyna Literària Fundació Privada periodically awards, as from 2002, a prize for humanistic essays on a subject previously established for each competition. The winning works in previous editions have dealt with, among other subjects, with, the origin of the Earth, the construction of Europe, the biological bases of politics, the challenges of education, the ethnic variety of societies, the evolution of communication and other aspects of the development of humanity. Catalunya Literària Fundació Privada was created by Antoni Pàmies Anguera with the objective of furthering knowledge and spreading works in the field of thinking. La Foundation is totally independent of any entity with religious or political character.

The theme of the 2019 Humanistic Essay Award is the media after the 1978 Constitution.

Works submitted should examine the evolution of the media in Spain’s democratic period, its current state and prospects for the future, especially in terms of social impact.

The Humanistic Essay Award has an endowment o 200,000 (two hundred thousand) euros.

Pieces submitted may not have been previously published or committed to other parties. They should be between 45,000 and 90,000 words in length and in PDF format. Originals may be submitted in Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian or English.

Copyright is reserved exclusively for the winning author or authors, who are free to enter into direct agreements with publishers without the financial involvement or participation of Catalunya Literària Fundació Privada, although the foundation reserves the right to issue and distribute editions free of charge in any format.

The works should be sent to the email address administracio@clfp.cat prior to 3 February 2020. All entries will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.

The prize will be awarded by a jury, the composition of which will be released when the decision is published on 19 February 2020.

If the jury is of the opinion that none of the works submitted meet the basic conditions of the awards or are of insufficient quality and the prize is declared null and void, the endowment will be allocated to a new competition to be held the following year.

The prize ceremony may be private or public. In the latter case, the author or a representative of the prize-winning authors agree to attend the event.

Participation in the competition implies acceptance of the rules.